Criminal Defense
Doyle, Restrepo, Harvin & Robbins does not practice criminal law. Because of its successes in the world of civil litigation, however, the firm often receives calls from former clients, or their friends and family members, when they face a criminal problem. To best serve our clients’ legal needs, DRHR works with well-known former Harris County prosecutor Paul Doyle on criminal matters. We believe that, in a city filled with the finest criminal defense attorneys in the country, Paul is among the best — and most effective at taking care of our clients’ criminal problems.
Paul was a prosecutor for seven years and finished his career as a Major Offender/Special Crimes prosecutor in the Harris County District Attorney’s office. Paul tried numerous cases as a prosecutor, was involved in the hiring and training of new prosecutors, and supervised a division of more than 45 prosecutors.
Paul graduated from Rice University, where he received numerous academic and athletic honors, and later obtained his law degree from the University of Texas School of Law.
For more information about Paul, and his contact information, please see his website.